Why am I opening the fridge for the 3rd time this hour?

Why am I opening the fridge for the 3rd time this hour? 😛

What’s this rubbish I’m binging on Netflix?

Why am I procrastinating important work and focusing instead on the seemingly urgent and unimportant notifications??

hashtag#SelfAwareness is the first key to personal growth.

“Yes, there are such a thing as an uncoachable person.”

“It’s someone who does not self-introspect and critically deconstruct their thoughts and behaviour even when someone has pointed out a flaw in their thinking or conduct.”

I agreed with a senior programme manager I was talking to last week.

As I look back at my own career journey, I can probably point out one of the main reasons why.

I had been arrogant.

Of COURSE I know better. 😒
There’s nothing wrong with what I said/did.
*YOU* are wrong for criticising me!

It was a while before I realised that this behaviour wasn’t serving me, and I started ‘debugging’ my thoughts and feelings about everything.

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates.

How very true.

That’s how we ‘accidentally’ get ourselves into
– crazy debt
– bad health
– awful relationships
– addictive behaviours

It’s a result of poor decision making…
… which is a result of poor impulse control…
… caused by not exercising the hashtag#StopAnalyseAndQuestion muscle.

I get a lot of DMs from people asking me advice about how to navigate client and work situations in the consulting world.

Usually I just have to ask some questions to get them to think critically and look at things from different perspective, and they’re able to figure things out for themselves.

You can be your own personal coach.

Want a hashtag#LifeHack?
Just keep on exercising that Debug Muscle 💪🏻

This message was brought to you by the letter ‘D’.
As in “Drop that Donut. Future You will thank you for it.”
