You might want to be an astronaut

You might want to be an astronaut, but you get travel sickness easily. 🤢
You might want to be an Olympic swimmer, but you’re allergic to water. 😬
You might want to be a consultant, but you aren’t able to manage the stressful demands of the role. 🥺

This isn’t a post about abandoning your dreams, but it’s about understanding yourself and being realistic.

Next week, the first cohort of new Samaritans training begins.

#Samaritans is an organisation in the UK that supports distressed callers who might be feeling suicidal, and I run the training for my branch.

The training will be tough, as we quickly get into the topics of suicide, death and dying, and circumstances that lead our callers into feeling like there is only one way to end their pain.

Some will find that they are unable to finish the course.
Some of those who finish the course and get on the phones with real callers may find that they are unable to continue.

And it’s OK.
It’s OK to realise that it’s not for you.

One tool that I’ve found to be incredibly valuable is getting the new trainees to write a journal of their emotional journey.

We review them not to pry or judge but to identify who may need additional support as the training can sometimes unearth personal feelings and evoke painful memories that need support and help processing.

Those who are deeply self reflective have a healthy emotional relationship with themselves, and are usually able to push through and thrive as a listening volunteer.

Or, they may realise that their journey with us can no longer continue.

Either way – it’s an exercise for them to reflect and make a decision that is right for them.

The same goes for anyone looking to move into a career they really really want, for example – #SalesforceConsulting.

I’ve loved my consulting career very much, for it made me who I am today.

It’s allowed me to make lifelong friends from clients and colleagues.

But I also know the toll and price it’s taken for many of my friends – in terms of mental, emotional, and physical health.

Maybe, it’s not for you.
And it’s OK.

It is, however – important to reflect deeply and understand yourself, where you want to go and whether the sacrifices are worth the price.

#SelfReflection leads to #SelfAwareness.
This allows us to make better decisions, leading to better outcomes. ❤️

I have 7 new trainees on my Samaritans training.
I also have 25 sign-ups to my 1-year Salesforce Consulting #Leadership Programme.

And I’ll be there to support them on their personal journey and I hope that all of them will get through until the end, but it’s ok if they don’t.

I mean – I wanted to be an astronaut but being a #RealProjectManager running my own business is more than an awesome alternative!! ☺️

If you’re in a good place in your life, perhaps you might want to volunteer as a Samaritans at your local branch (if you’re in the UK) or a similar charity in the USA?
