Anyone watching LOKI on Disney?

Anyone watching LOKI on Disney?

The idea of time travel, different dimensions and multiverses is so utterly fascinating and compelling to me and I’m totally hooked on this series.

I play the “What If” game a lot.

What If I
– paid more attention in school
– married the first boy who kissed me
– stayed with the one who abused me
– was too afraid to be vulnerable again

Playing this game looking backwards in time can do two things:
(1) make me feel regretful and bitter, or
(2) make me feel grateful for the lessons I’ve learned.

I do not have a time machine to change my past, and I can only look forward but I know that the lessons I’ve learned has made me the person I am today.

If I had the Time Stone, or a TemPad to change the past or timeline, I would be sooo tempted as there has been periods of darkness and pain.

(Fortunately) I am exactly where I need to be, precisely because I do not have a time machine.

I can choose option (1) or (2).
And so, I choose gratitude.

The one thing would have changed – I wish I was kinder.
Especially to my grandmother who was dying of Alzheimer’s.

Regardless, I know I made her laugh a lot, which makes me feel grateful.

Gratitude makes such a big difference to the quality of my life.

What’s your nexus decision point that you would have made a different choice?
