Did you know that talking about #suicide 

Did you know that talking about #suicide can’t make someone want to do it?

You cannot plant the seeds in someone’s head.

When going through really difficult times, many people have had thoughts of taking their lives as a means to end pain.

Sometimes it is only fleeting, and is gone in another moment.

Sometimes these thoughts persist.

Through my experience volunteering for Samaritans by listening and supporting our callers who are in emotional distress, I can say that many are glad to be able to talk about some of the dark thoughts and feelings they might have.

Suicide is not a topic that can easily be broached in every day conversations, and can remain taboo in many cultures.

When someone’s sharing a really difficult time I sometimes ask, “Has it ever got so bad that you’ve thought of ending your life?”

The worst response I might get is, “No, of course not! Don’t be silly! What makes you think I want to do that?”

More often than not, they say, “Yes I have.”

Don’t shy away from asking the question for fear of offending them, or embarrassing yourself.

You’re giving them the gift.

You’re telling them
You’re listening.
You’re there.
And you see them.

If you see someone who looks like they are going through a difficult patch, reach out.
No one should go through life struggling with these horrific thoughts and feelings alone.

You may save a life. 🌹
