Gratuitous violence

Gratuitous violence.

Nope, none of that at the Cotswold Community Group session earlier this evening.

For the first time, I decided to try a different way of presenting.

I’d engage the audience more with questions and polls.
I’d tell a story and doodle.

Sadly my kids didn’t think much of my effort. 😁
And the me of Long Time Ago would have balked at such a unprofessional deck.

I thought I’d have fun, and I thought the audience would have fun as well.
I thought if they had fun, they’d remember some key points I was trying to make.

My goal was to get the audience to remember that Managing Expectations is the number 1 secret to a smooth project, because you’ll have executed the Discovery process well.

By the way, the other secret is that this can also apply to your personal life as well.

All disagreements, disputes, break ups, divorces, resignations, lawsuits… They all happen because expectations have not been managed properly.

Do this one thing, and you’ll find that your life is more peaceful.
#NoDrama – that’s my motto.

Well, not unless there’s a ninja somewhere with my name on his hitlist! 😰


Ps thank you Paul Harris and Jessica Hargreaves for organising a fun evening!