Boundaries are fluid

Boundaries are fluid.
It’s an agreement between parties about where the line is.

What a lot of people struggle with is articulating their boundaries, and also the fact that it may change from day to day.

In my opinion this is perfectly fine.

The favour I’m doing for you today?
The request I said yes to this morning?

Perhaps I said yes because I have the time, mental capacity and resources to do so.
And maybe because I’m in a good place today.

I may say no tomorrow.
And that’s OK.

What is not OK, is when delivering to a Statement of Work.
The SOW should state clearly what is in scope and what is not, making it really easy for the delivery team to do their job.

Sometimes it feels as if very small favours or requests can be easily accommodated with no impact to the project.

However this can quickly escalate as there could be unknown implications which may arise and jeopardise the project

I’ve been there! 🙋🏻

A team member was doing favours which soon became a messy mess that was quite horrendous to unpick(it wasn’t fun). 💩

Suffice to say there was a lot of grumpy people at the end of the saga.😒

Respect a person’s boundaries and accept that they can be fluid.
Just because I said yes today, may not mean that I will say yes tomorrow.

Unless donuts are involved 😁

