“I want to get married because I’d look hot in a wedding dress.”

Issue # 2 OnThePeiroll

“I want to lose weight so I’d get invited to prom.”
“I’d like to get a new car because my neighbour got a new car.”
“I want to rip out the current CRM system and put in a new one so I can make my mark as the new CTO.”

There are reasons why we do the things we do.

A lot of them are driven by fear and insecurity.
I want to look good at the school dance so that people won’t think I’m fat and ugly.
I want people to think I’m rich enough and worthy enough to own a big new car and keep up with the Jones.
I want people to think I’m a hotshot and look up to me, because I don’t know what I’m doing here.

While valid, a lot of the reasons above are not really good reasons.

This is even more true for organisations looking to implement new systems, such as CRM or HR or Finance package.

The Business case needs to stand up to scrutiny, and have a solid “WHY” behind it.

Because it looks cool.
Because I get a lot of swag (goodies like free cuddly toys, backpack, hoodies) from Salesforce.
Because I want to look like a big stick.

Bad WHYs.

Because we’d get more insight to how we are doing.
Because we’d be able to plan better.
Because we’d be able to close bigger deals, quicker.
Because we’d grow our customer base.

Better WHYs.

As usual, I want to hear if you have bad WHYs that are just as important and valid than any good WHY. Write me here >>

Writing a Business Case

Here are some pointers on what a Business case should have.
1. Reasons
Is there a good business reason for implementing a CRM like salesforce? 
What is the driving force behind this change? 

2. Options
What are the options open to you at this stage?
Remember that one of the options must be “Do Nothing.”  It may be that this option has merit, and it may be that there are not enough compelling reasons to change – so status quo may be best.
This is where you might want to outline any Build vs Buy options.

3. Benefits
Identify all business goals when outlining the benefits of the recommended option.
Make sure you get the metrics for how you will measure success, because otherwise, how will you know when you get there?

4. Costs
Outline the costs of all options, and include:
– tangible & intangible costs
– capital expenditure and operational expenditure costs (i.e. one time investment costs vs ongoing support costs)
– licenses for all ancilliary products
– training to upskill staff
– implementation costs (for internal team such as Project Manager, CRM Admin as well as Consulting Partner)
– ongoing support costs that include product enhancements and upgrades

Do this for all options so that they can be compared easily.

5. Timescales
This is where you’d need to employ some Project Management skills to work out the timescales that include project ramp-up, business change initiation programmes, the implementation itself and embedding of system with user adoption.

6. Risks
Make sure you detail as many risks of all the options as possible.  This is the only way to get buy in – when decisions are made with full awareness of what the options entail – The good, the bad and all the uglies.

7. Recommendation
Finally of course – the recommended option with the supporting evidence.

Have I missed out anything when writing a Business Case?  Tell me here>>

The Origin Story… Part 2 – Some career options

So the nerdy young girl asked her Paternal Breadwinner (also known as ‘Dad’) if she could do a degree on Aerospace Engineering.
That way, she could help build that rocketship.

Paternal Breadwinner was dubious about the status of any Space Programme in Malaysia.
He suggested she take up Computer Science instead.

Nerdy young girl was fine with programming robots onboard the rocketship, and that was how she ended up with a BSc in Comp Sci.

Sadly, she found out that her programming skills wasn’t as awesome as her winning personality.

She’d have to find another route to get on board the rocketship if the End of the World happened.

… to be continued.
(Read Origin Story – Part 1)

Fun fact: Her first computer was a 286 purchased in 1988 with large floppy disks.

In Case You Missed It… on LinkedIn

I talk about why I chose MailChimp over Substack in the Buid vs Buy debate and why falling down hard and often lead to better decision making.

Soft skills will never go out of style in the world of Salesforce, and neither should face-to-face Discoveries and Workshops.

I also discuss why I’d hate driving to the moon in my old morris, and why the lack of a WHY for a new IT director might be his downfall.

Samaritan’s “How to Listen” series
started a series when Karen (my fellow Samaritans volunteer) gave me the “How to Listen” book.

Why I rarely ask “Are you ok
How Hearing is different than Listening and why some people with problems don’t want them solved

If you like my stuff, pay me in 👍🏻 or add a 💬 on LinkedIn.  If you don’t like my stuff … just shhh. Stay quiet 😁

btw.. if you’ve got time on 19th March..

I’m speaking at London’s Calling – the independent UK Salesforce community event where I’ve got a session.

Mastering Active Listening through my work as a Samaritans volunteer has helped me learn how to create deep relationships with people. And relationships based on trust is the foundation of all high performing teams. 

Purchase your ticket now at londonscalling.net (It’s virtual, and the tickets are at an incredible price of £5+VAT).

Anyway – that’s it from me! See you next week.
x Pei

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