I was so annoyed with myself. 😖
I screwed up.
I crafted my newsletter, reviewed it, got Husband to proofread, reviewed it again and sent it.
BUT I forgot to change the email subject line. 😑
So my subscribers might think that I’d been having a lazy week and just re-sent previous week’s newsletter. ARGH!
I only indulged in this self-admonishment for a few moments though, and then I moved on.
Nothing gained in self-flagellation 😅
This week’s issue is on RESOURCING CHALLENGES of a #Salesforce Partner, an acute problem especially if they are winning lots of opportunities:
– hiring experienced contractors
– contracting grasshoppers 🦗 (fully trained and certified, but still green) from agencies
– levelling up their own grasshoppers to become super consultants
… NOT on the Build or Buy question (which was last week’s topic).
Anyway, I hope your Monday is going a bit smoother than mine 😁