I’m fabulous!

“I’m fabulous!”
That’s my tongue in cheek response when someone asks how I am. 😊

The two things that feed my soul are #Gratitude and #Perspective.

I’m deeply #grateful for
– living in an age where knowledge is so freely accessible.
– living in a country that is not torn by war or strife, or plagued by natural disasters
– being able to help provide my family with safety, food, and shelter.. As well as emotional stability, education and learning
– my health and those I love
– the ability, capability and agency to do what I want and what I love
– the strong support network I have around me, that is an under rated growth hack and accelerator

And when I have a ‘woe is me’ moment and start lamenting about something or other, I pause and ask myself the magic 3 words.

Compared to what?
Compared to who?

There is so much pain in the world.
There are those that are trapped in hell on earth, and some who cannot escape.

I know this because I volunteer for Samaritans, who provide emotional support for people in distress and there are many of our callers are in such a dark place that #suicide sometimes feel like the only option they have.

I am so so grateful for everything I have.
That includes all the wonderful people I’ve met on LinkedIn the past year.

Whimsical doodle below to lift the mood a little. 😁
