It will all work out in the end

“It will all work out in the end.”
“Things can only go up from here.”
“This is a ‘test’.”
“What doesn’t kill you…”

These are all incredibly unhelpful. 😣

When someone’s going through grief, trauma, loss… The last thing they need is a pep talk of any kind.

When someone’s trying to just survive the day, you cannot ask them to think long term.

For example, you cannot demand a country to think about being ecologically sustainable and caring for the environment when their people are starving.

When someone’s in survival mode, they’re thinking about how to get through the day.
Maybe things are so dark right now that can’t even think about how they’re going to face tomorrow.

What do you do when you know someone who’s going through such a hard time and you want to ‘help’?

Put away your ego.
Shut out that need to solve problems.
Quiet down the judgements.

Sit with them, and listen.
Support them by being there.
Give them space so that they can breathe.
Show them that they aren’t alone. 🌹

And maybe they may want to fight again tomorrow.
Help them get through tonight.
One breath at a time.
One step at a time.

Be the one who holds their hand through the darkness.
Be the type of human that we are all meant to be.
The kind and compassionate type. ❤️


If you’re struggling and you need someone to talk to, you can
– ring #Samaritans freephone from the UK 116 123 or
– call the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline in the US on 988.

You don’t have to go through this alone. 🌹
