I don’t like this at all

“I don’t like this at all. Why are we even doing this!?”
The client is upset and the tension in the air starts feeling charged.

Your heart pounds crazily but you remember that you’ve been here before. 😳

You’ve actually done a similar role play at Zenhao‘s Consulting Discovery Masterclass before, so you know what to do! 😅

That’s how I’ve designed the Masterclass.

It’s a leadership course centred around emotional intelligence for #Salesforce professionals who are serious about levelling up their consulting skills.

You will be able to practice what you learn in role plays in a safe environment.
You will work in groups and learn and get better at
– active listening
– asking questions
– process mapping
– writing user stories
– doing show & tells
– working with teams

These are real, tangible skills that Every Consultant Needs to Know and Master and I will be running the LAST Consulting Discovery Masterclass of 2023 in Sept.

I’m just getting really busy doing corporate trainings for partners, so this is suitable for a Salesforce Admin, or just anyone looking to transition into the #Salesforce consulting role.

Live calls.
Actual skills practice.

Sessions run from 2-5pm UK time.
Deets and link to register 👇🏻

Masterclass details over here: https://bit.ly/3KtNBBy