It’s not very nice to boast

“It’s not very nice to boast.” 🧓🏻
Ah Ma, my beautiful grandmother was admonishing me.

I was never really good at math when I was younger. ➕✖➖➗⁉
But then I discovered that I could get really good by drilling into problems.
Again and again.
And again.
And again.
Until I got it right.
Every. Single. Time.

I tracked my results and scores religiously.
Both mine and my classmates.
Yes, I even plotted graphs 😬

I was indeed very nerdy, even at age 10.

“Ah Ma – look, I beat Yen Jin, and I am so much better than Brinda now! And I’ve totally crushed Siti! HAHAHA!! I am so smart!”

That’s when she gently told me off for boasting.

“You don’t have to tell people how good you are. Show them. Do good work, quietly. People will be able to tell from your reputation.”

She was always right, my Ah Ma.

The things I say.
The people I touch.
The work I do.

I now let my actions speak for me and my values.

Our reputation is the feelings, and the impressions that we leave behind in the wake of our passing through.

As Seth Godin says:
Do work that you can be proud of, for people who care.
Drip by drip.
Build your reputation by walking your talk. 🦆

And so, this is a post where I thank my Ah Ma for me walking like a duck.
(I still miss you so much every day 😥)

ps: This was part of my ‘5 Tinder secrets of being a Desirable Consultant’ at Albanian Dreamin event in Tirana 😊