Three things I love about Tanzania.

Three things I love about Tanzania.

1. Everybody always has a huge smile for us and is determined for our trip to be safe and for us to have a great time.

2. “Hakuna matata” is an actual phrase people use here! So of course I finish the line “…🎵 it means no worries… For the rest of your days… 🎶” 😁 to the embarrassment of my kids.

3. Flame of the forest and other flora and fauna reminds me of my childhood in Malaysia.

We’ve arrived at Moshi, Tanzania and will begin our trek up Mt kilimanjaro tomorrow.

There’s always a jumble of feelings before embarking something big and potentially risky.

Even more so that I’ve got my tweenie and teenagers, and worry as a parent would.

We are also raising funds for Médecins Sans Frontières whose front line staff put their lives on the line to save others.

Want to help make a difference?

Then drop a small donation and a little message of encouragement to my kids’ page below 👇🏻

Just like any big hairy scary thing we face in life, the key to success is
🍩 The planning, and
🍩 The Execution

If it’s a marathon, then one step at a time in a persistent and consistent manner is the winning formula. 🐢

“pole pole” (po-lay po-lay) as the Tanzanian say.
And that’s how I will be ending 2023.

What about you?
How are you ending this year ahead?
(Go on… Tell me you’ll be chilling out to make me jealous!) 😁
