To all the strong women out there..

I know so many strong women who have achieved so much professionally, and yet – because they don’t conform to societal expectations, believe they are not enough.

They walk around feeling like an imposter, waiting to be outed.

They don’t see what I see.

So deeply deeply kind.

They have amazing personalities.

They also have character.
They behave with integrity even when no one’s watching.
They do the right thing even when it hurts.
They have a moral and ethical compass that points to True North.

They are amazing.
And yet.
And yet.

They still don’t feel like they are worthy of happiness.
They feel like they’re not enough.

Broken relationships.
Broken marriages.
Some are single mums.
Some have never had the chance.
Some almost did.

We should tell our daughters that they are enough.
Don’t listen to anyone telling them otherwise.

They can be whatever they want to be.
Except a greasy meat pastry. 😐


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