We had a great discussion on “Passion”

We had a great discussion on “Passion” in last Friday’s micro workshop.

Some time ago, I discovered Oliver Emberton‘s writing and found his blogpost on Passion pretty amazing so I dug it up. (link 👇🏻 in comments)

In brief:
1. Passion comes from success.
This is something I’ve found. I’ve grown up feeling mediocre at many of my subjects, and not being particularly talented or skilled at anything.

What’s this ‘passion’ thing everyone keeps talking about?
It’s through decades of delivering CRM projects that I discovered that I loved mentoring and coaching and teaching others about how to do it properly.

2.Childhood is where passion goes to die. 😁
Tongue in cheek, but not too far away from the truth!
Standardized tests, standard curriculum, SATS etc etc…

They. All. Kill. Passion.

3. Passion can be created.
I also believe that this is true.

Fuse your mediocrity – I love this one!
Average writer and average doodler – do both and be awesome at it! (See, that’s what happened to me!)
Average photographer and average brazillian ju jitsu – be a celebrity photographer who can fend off bodyguards. 💪🏻😁

I don’t know… have fun fusing different areas of your life to be the awesome unique whatever-you-are!

Check out his article below. While you’re on his site, read all his other blogs. They are AWESOME!
Pic: from the Oliver Emberton blog
