We made it to the peak of Mt Kinabalu!

We made it to the peak of Mt Kinabalu!
And we lived to tell the tale!

The kids were also very pleased to have raised £610 for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) for this challenge.

The climb comprises of 2 parts:
1. 8am start for 6km distance and ascent of 3272m to the rest house at Laban Rata
2. After a quick bite and short sleep, we get up the next day at 0200 and begin the final 2.5km of our climb to summit (height of 4095m) to try and catch the sunrise before doing the full 8.5km descent to the base 😵

Myself and ninja 3 had altitude sickness (she got sick all over the side of the mountain poor thing).

But as we had two guides, ÜberHub and the boys shot off and managed to catch the sunrise at the peak with the both of us reaching the summit about half an hour later.

Ninja 3 was such a trooper, pushing on despite feeling nauseous and dizzy because she had committed to do so to raise money!

I would have turned back (as I too was struggling) but she kept me on track. 😬

Anyway it was a fantastic end to our year.

It’s been a bit of a roller coaster 2022 for me, culminating in the publishing of the #SalesforceDiscovery101 book in December. 🥰

Huge thank you to everyone who supported me, helping me raise over £2384 for my #Samaritans branch by getting the pre-order signed copies.

Also to everyone who supported me on the journey with so much engagement by
🍩 helping me choose the title
🍩 voting on the book cover
🍩 providing feedback on the topics as I went along
🍩 sending so much encouragement and supportive messages!

I’m so lucky to have such amazing people in the #Salesforce ecosystem ❤️

Wishing everyone in my network Happy Holidays and may all your (good) expectations
be met (and exceeded)*.

*typical #ProjectManagement greeting – OK maybe I just made that up 😁
