We sent you to the best schools

“We sent you to the best schools, got you the most expensive tutors… and now you tell us you don’t want to be a lawyer?!” 😡

Shame is a highly destructive emotion.
It means you are less than.
You are not good enough.
You are a failure <at whatever the expectation is>.

This could be in terms of
– getting into the right school 👨🏻‍🎓
– getting the right job 👩🏻‍🎤👩🏻‍🚀👩🏻‍🍳👨🏻‍🔧
– marrying the right person 👰🏻
– being the ‘perfect’ child/partner/friend
– being the right gender with the correct sexual orientation 🚻
– etc etc

When people want you to be who you are not, and you cannot comply, you WILL find ways to cope.

Over work.
Self harm.
Substance abuse.
… this list is long.

Here are some questions I’d ask my children to think about when they get to adulthood:
1. Whose dream are they chasing?🌈
2. If it’s not their own, why not?
3. If it’s not their own, what do they want to do about it?

Ask yourself big questions, and be prepared to be honest with the answers.
Don’t let it fester into a regret when you get to the end of your line, because you might find that a dark and lonely place to be.

The only expectations I have of my kids are that they find out what makes them happy (and go do it) and they leave the world a better place than when they found it.

Actually I also expect a chauffeur, masseus, cook, cleaner and an unlimited supplies of 🍩 when I’m old and crumbly! 😋

Really – not a lot of expectations at all! 😁
