Who owns your motion?

Who owns your motion?
The direction, trajectory and speed?

Not your coach, your mentor, your parent, your boss, your team…
You do!

As a coach for consultants (and aspiring ones) and PMs, I get clients who tell me they’ve let me down because they haven’t done what they said they would.

I believe that for young children, the adults should provide clear expectations to help foster forward motion and growth.
Left to their own devices, they’d probably be happy coasting through life just playing computer games and eating junk food 🙄

However – accountability needs to be an internally driven imperative.
You grow because you want to.
You change because you need to.
You achieve because you desire to.
Because you’ve made a promise to yourself.

Not to someone else.

My job is to help you figure out why you aren’t getting there, and to come up with some strategies to address those issues.

9 times out of 10, those issues are internal.

Luckily, you are 💯 in complete and total control over those internal issues.
That’s what’s scary… because if you fail, then it’s on you. 😱

Hanging that responsibility and accountability to an external partner lets you off the hook.
“That teacher didn’t come through for me.”
“That boss is not supportive enough.”
“My partner isn’t emotionally available.”

While those things may be true, at some point, you will need to realise that the person behind that driving wheel is you.

As a coach, I can help guide your journey and open your eyes to certain aspects of your journey, but I cannot drive your car for you.

Own your own Forward Motion.⏩
Otherwise you might just end up in the Ditch of Despair with no tow trucks to rescue you. 😬

And that’s why no one hires me for my inspirational yet punchy Hallmark pep talk. Their loss methinks 🙄😁

DM me if you’d like to work with me.
Let me help you own your forward motion, er upwards. 🚀
