Why are soft skills undervalued?

Why is a soft skill like #communication listed below hard skills like #Salesforce exam certification in a job description?

While the basic expectation is that you are able to communicate – especially if we speak the same language, there is no nuance as to *how well* someone is expected to communicate.

Are they able to really understand what the other person thinks/wants?
Do they have the listening skills and the emotional intelligence to set the other person at ease so that they can tell you what’s on their mind?

I see time and time again that communication breakdown and poorly managed expectation are two of the main causes of conflict in both business and personal situations.

This is especially true when gathering requirements and understanding the client’s business processes and operations properly, so that you can build a solution that makes things better.

Use clear language.
Ask questions.
Listen carefuly.
Ask more questions.

Don’t assume.
You know what they say.
ASSUME, and you make an ASS out of U and ME.

Well, not me anyway.
I am much too cute to be an ASS 😁
