Would you like to be body-shopped?

Would you like to be body-shopped? 😬
It sounds crude doesn’t it?

Another term for it is “Staff Augmentation”.

This is the second type of consulting engagements you might be assigned to, if you work for a #Salesforce or #Microsoft Consulting Partner.

The first type is a Consulting Project Team engagement where you work on a project alongside your whole team, and you have the support of a Project Manager and others around you to help out when you need it.

However, when you are body-shopped, you become part of the customer’s project team, and you take your instructions from them.

Tasks could include being an advisor, reviewing documents, providing expert input, interviewing new project team members, running workshops, gathering and documenting requirements, configuring, developing, building against spec, etc etc.

Just like being a lone contractor, you do what is requested.

When you’re part of a team, you can let the Project Manager handle the sticky conversations and messy political entanglements.

When you are flying solo, as a body-shopped resource or a lone contractor, you’ll have to rely on your interpersonal skills and diplomatic skills to navigate the environment.

Some engagements can be ‘character building’ and some can be fun. Both types of engagements can be quite instructional, so be open to learning about yourself and the work.

That’s how you become… a SaConJa!* 🐱‍👤


*SaConJa = Salesforce Consulting Ninja 😁

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