As a consultant, you’ll be expected to communicate well.

As a consultant, you’ll be expected to communicate well.
Such as in your verbal face-to-face/zoom interactions, presentation, documentation, emails, writing and commenting on user story tickets and tasks.

Communication in its various forms.

The goal should always be to be clear with the message, so that it is fully understood by the recipient.

Be clear.
Be to the point.
Illustrate wherever possible.

Ask others to review your document (especially your PM).
Sometimes you stay so long in the details that your brain just can’t spot the hippo in the grass.

When writing or reviewing documents, I pay a lot of attention to grammar, spelling, syntax, language and tone.
The fundamental goal of good messaging is to be clear.

If the audience has not understood your message, a lot of the times the fault lies with you.

I get my team to cc all client comms with me, and though I may have time to only grasp the gist of the message – I will frequently pick up on when language may give rise to misunderstanding, and step in.

We all grow up with our own experience and worldview, and we forget that other people do not live in our head.
Don’t assume.

Assuming makes you a 🍌😁


Next free course begins Monday 24 August.

DM me if you want to enrol, and are currently a #laidoff or #openforwork #salesforceadmins #awesomeadmins, you have 2 Salesforce Certifications and you’re based in the UK.

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