The last ‘unemployed’ Salesforce consultant

The last ‘unemployed’ Salesforce consultant in my free consulting training just told me she’s got a job today!!

It’s more exciting than a successful go-live!

I think that it’s because I know someone’s personal fortunes have changed, and that after a period of uncertainty and stress, they are now going to be gainfully employed and working again.

There’s something about doing meaningful work, being able to utilise skills and experience to provide value, that makes this such a joy to witness.

She’s part of my first pilot free consulting masterclasses that I’ve been running almost every day for the last couple of months now.

I had zero expectations when I started this, but to find that everyone in the group is now employed has been such an incredible dopamine rush – much better than my last firewalk!

Anyway – this has crystalised my resolve to do this more; because I can.

I am in a good place in my life right now, for so many reasons, and I have the resources, the time, and the skills to do it.

I need to #payitforward.

If you are currently a #laidoff or #openforwork #salesforceadmins #awesomeadmins, you have 2 Salesforce Certifications and you’re based in the UK – connect with me.

Next free course begins Monday 24 August.

#zenhaoprotip #awesomeadmin #crm #salesforce #salesforceadmin #salesforceadministrator #Salesforcecertified #salesforceconsultant #salesforceconsulting #salesforcecrm #salesforceohana #salesforcepartner #salesforcepartners #trailblazer #trailblazercommunity #trailblazers #trailhead

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