Hurt people, hurt people.

Hurt people, hurt people.
Abusers were once abused.

I don’t normally get angry, but incidents of domestic violence and abuse went up during the last lockdown, and the threat of another lockdown is incredibly scary.

Panorama investigation reported this August that every 30 seconds in the initial 7 weeks, there was a call to the police about domestic abuse.

During lockdown, the abuser has no ‘outlet’ for their anger and aggession, except for the vulnerable people who are in their house – their partner, their children, their pets.

I can imagine everyone waiting for the Prime Minister’s announcement for another nation-wide lockdown, many with panic and fear coursing through their soul.

I’ve been there before, and I am _SO_ lucky that I am safe now.

Please, reach out to anyone you think may be at risk.
Call in on them, check in (discretely and safely if possible).

These people have no escape.

Encourage them to call the UK National Abuse helpline 0808 2000 247 for help, or Samaritans 116 123 if they need to talk.

So very very many are at risk, especially if they are trapped in the house with the monster and there is no escape.

That’s the most terrifying Halloween story I can think of.
And it’s true life.


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