I’m buzzing!

I’m buzzing! 🐝
It always feels amazing when I help get new Samaritans volunteers into my branch! ☺

We’ve just finished their training, and they are nervous and excited to start. They met with our branch director and mentoring lead and I believe they have a good idea of what the role entails.

They’ve done their skills practice to prepare them for the range of calls we might get, and I can’t wait for them to join us.

I love my branch, and I love what we do. ❤

We make a difference, and in a world that can feel so very unkind and unfeeling – we provide a listening ear in a safe, non-judgemental setting.

Many people are going through tough times, and dark thoughts about self harm and suicide may feel like the only options for coping. 💔

If you’re in a good place, I hope that you’ll reach out to those around you who might be struggling. Even better if you can volunteer with an organisation that you care about so that you can amplify the impact that you make.

If you’re struggling, you can call freephone 116 123 if you’re in UK.
Otherwise, email jo@samaritans.org for someone to listen.

Know that you don’t have to go through this alone. 🌹
