Part of being an effective Project Manager…

Part of being an effective Project Manager is being comfortable with change, with the unknown.

It’s being able to look at what (known) information is out there, and what we can do about that (known) variable, and whether there are gaps and what (if any) steps we can take to make the unknown, known.

“Why must we not waste toilet paper?”
“Is this happening all around the world? Even in Malaysia?”
“Is nanny and grandad going to be ok? How about popo and kung kung?”
“Will we all die from this?”
“Will it hurt if we do?”
“When will we defeat the virus?”
“When will things get back to normal?”

Lots of questions, and I know some of the answers, but not all.
What we know is limited to what’s available at the moment, and that keeps on changing as things develop.

The scale of what’s happening is unprecedented (“Will all this be in the history books of the future, mum?”) and we are flying blind.

That has caused level of anxiety to shoot up, as people panic over the lack of control they have over their lives.

No, we won’t be going back to ‘normal’ after this.
There will be a new ‘normal’.
This will change us, irrevocably.

Let the change be a positive one.
One that speaks of kindness, and compassion.
Of family and loved ones over work and deadlines.

The chaos that comes from the fear of the unknown can be debilitating. Terrifying.

My left brain and Project Management background strives to create some structure, some sense, some order from it all, and that helps.
It knows that there is no point focusing on anything outside my circle of influence.
It knows that focusing inwards rather than outwards helps maintain a sense of calm, which is very important when I have restless and unsettled little ninjas under my care.

When the outside gets all messy and scary, the little project manager in my brain gets me to make a risk assessment with a mitigation plan, put that aside, and then just get on with it.

In these times of uncertainty, there are a few things that can help you take control.
Focus on things you can control, and hugs. Lots of it.
And bake cakes. Lick the spoon. Be messy.
Binge watch Ricky Gervais’ #AfterLife on Netflix. Funny, poignant, bittersweet series on life and love, and death.


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