Some emotions during end of year review

Some emotions during end of year review 😩😭😢😲😃🫠🫣😬🤕🥰

Doing sprint reviews sometimes evoke similar emotions.

What went bad? 🫣
What made us mad? 😠
What made us glad? 😊

It can be demoralising to feel that you haven’t achieved what you set out to do.

Looking back at my goals for 2023, I’ve certainly not done well at all.

But things happened.
Life happened.

So I distilled what really matters to me into two KPIs
🍩 Professional: Did my business grow?
🍩 Personal: Did I spend time supporting and nurturing relationships with people I care about?

I would say yes on both accounts.

At one point I used to use Jim Collins daily rating chart to look back at the year to get a big picture sense of how it’s gone.

Basically every day, before he went to bed, he would rate his day from -2 (absolutely catastrophic) to +2 (absolutely amazing). At the end of the year he’d look back to see how the year went.

I stopped doing it because I realised that my daily score was usually a +1 or +2, barring personal losses (of which I’ve had a few this year) and it allowed me to be more graceful and kinder with myself.

I think it’s a good way to look at things.

We are still in Tanzania with spotty reception but I’ll try to make available a template for the Jim Collins rating system for 2024 to my newsletter subscribers (so you’ll want to sign up if you want access to it – deets below 👇🏻).

ÜberHub has also issued me a mad challenge to publish my next book Salesforce Consulting 101 by 29 Feb (on top of other commitments!)!!

This means I will be looking for beta readers and reviewers on a super tight schedule so if your want to get involved, sign up to the newsletter for more details!

How was 2023 for you, and what exciting things do you have planned for 2024?

I’d love to hear! 😀
