Understand how Salesforce features

“Understand how Salesforce features and best practices impact solution options and business processes.”

We were doing the #Salesforce BA Exam Working session yesterday I found out that there wasn’t a definitive list of #Salesforce Implementation Best Practice so I put one together.

Is there any you’d add to the list?

If you haven’t done the exam yet (or even if you have!) come join us for no-charge sessions where we dive into each question. Sometimes you can find the answer on the trailmix, and sometimes it requires experience to suss it out.

We talked about the consulting career and how to best network and find our way in this vast ecosystem.

Thank you Jason E. Zeikowitz for sharing your thoughts especially with regards to branding, how to really utilise the #ohana and #Linkedn to network:
“Informal Informational Interviews for Interests, Insights and Introduction… or III for III” 🤩

How am I ever going to forget that now??

It’s such a great group. I hope you’ll join us – sign up details below. 👇🏻


PS: Unfortunately I’ve had to postpone today’s session due to personal reasons, but it’s back tomorrow (although it will be at 3.30-5pm UK time).

That’s straight after my workshop sessions for my Zenhao members where we will be diving deep into the Impression Management workshop). 🎭

How many sense of selves do we have and why do we do what we do in front of others?