What’s the number 1 skill

What’s the number 1 skill for any #Salesforce or #Microsoft consultant?

Designing great solutions?
Solving problems?
Competency in product knowledge?

Luke Menzfeld from Cloud Galacticos talks about listening as a key skill for a consultant, and I whole-heartedly agree.

Listening leads to empathy, which leads to understanding.
Mind you – when you’re listening, you need to do so with an open mind and open heart.

No judging.
No thinking about what to say next.
No rolling your eyes 🙄 or any other non-verbal cue that tells them what you think of them.
When you’re respectful and kind, people will open up.

Catch the next podcast episode next Monday 10th May.

As a listening volunteer with Samaritan, I approve of this message. 😁
