When shortcuts are bad

The one thing you should NEVER do when migrating data.
And it’s not roll your eyes when you’re told that the source is squeaky clean – though you should still not do it. 😁
(Whoa – check out the triple negatives!)

Integrity shows in the things you say, and the things you do.
Especially if you’re a leader.

Your words and actions speaks volumes about your true character.

The one thing you should never do when migrating data, is to hide the failures.
Every row and record should be accounted for, whether successful or not. If not, find the reason why and and make corrections.
Sometimes, the failure is ‘fatal’, perhaps missing a parent key link, or referential data within the target system, and that’s ok.

As long as everything has been accounted for.
You do NOT hide it.

#salesforcepartners and #microsoftdynamicscrm who do this, do not thrive, along with any other software vendors.
Your people will leave, and your clients will find out.

Integrity and short cuts are as incompatible as a muscles 💪🏻 and daily ice cream & junk food diet.
Although sometimes I wish it weren’t true. 😋

Ps: did you notice that I said “butt” twice? 🤭 heheheh I’ve been hanging around my kids too long.


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