My “happy wall”.

My “happy wall”.
It was the wall of my home office where my lovely husband had put up a large corkboard and I had put up photos of favourite people.

That wall went when the twins decided they needed their own rooms, so now my favourite photos slide show on my connected desktop monitor.

These fill me with joy at how life has turned out for me.
Once I would have been a caller of Samaritan’s phone line, when life felt so incredibly bleak that there seemed only one option left for me.

It took many years to repair the damage, and now I can only hug myself in gratitude for what I have.

I need only to glance up at my “happy desktop”, at the snapshot in time that captured life, joy, and laughter, to feel utterly, immeasurably fortunate to be living my life with the people I have.

The other thing that grounds me and provides perspective is my volunteering with Samaritans.

It reminds me that I have everything that is meaningful in life.
My health. My soul. My family.

I am grateful for the chance to share the lessons I’ve learned in work and in life on this platform.
I am grateful that you’re reading this.
Thank you.

My life is richer for all the things that happen – both good, and bad.
My wish for you today, is that you find the peace in gratitude.

Even for a moment.
That’s because magic moments add to the beautiful richness to the fabric and texture of our lives.


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