What do bank accounts have to do

What do bank accounts have to do with high performing teams?

Well, understanding the concept of Emotional Bank Accounts (EBA) – coined by Stephen Covey, has allowed me to become a better Project manager.

This metaphor is based on our understanding of how regular bank account works, except that it’s a bank account of #trust.

Here are 6 ways to make deposits:

1. Understand the individual.
This is done by active listening, and empathising with their point of view.

2. Keep commitments – don’t break promises

3. Clarify Expectations – communicate clearly to set expectations correctly

4. Attend to the little things – small acts of kindness

5. Showing Personal Integrity – make sure your thoughts, intentions, words and actions align

6. Apologise when we make a withdrawal – when we are unkind, disrespectful, apologise.

I make it a point to make continuous deposits in my team’s EBA, and this philosophy has paid me back many many times.

My team will have my back, which is especially critical when I sometimes drop one of the many balls that I carry.

We bond, and we go above and beyond for each other which results in a high quality delivery.

… and this, is why I do what I do.
And definitely not just for the donuts after go-live. 😋🍩
